CF Experts


CF Experts is a network of top cloud engineers with deep knowledge of Cloudflare and an automated migration tool for cloud apps which together allow businesses to move many workloads to Cloudflare's next-generation platform. Source cloud providers include Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.

Cloudflare started life as a content delivery network (CDN), but over the past few years, it has evolved into a "second generation" cloud provider which we strongly believe will disrupt the incumbent players in the market. The company is effectively showing us what a modern cloud provider should look like using today’s technology if it were to start from scratch with zero legacy baggage and no existing customers to annoy with drastic product changes.

Our thesis is that Cloudflare has a 2-3 year lead over any other aspiring "second generation" provider in the cloud space, but most business customers have either never heard of Cloudflare or only know them as a CDN. That represents a major opportunity to introduce customers to this platform, help them rapidly evaluate it, adopt it, and start seeing value.

To that end, we have assembled a network of the best Cloudflare engineers in the world (apart from Cloudflare staff) and created an automated migration tool ( that makes it possible for anyone to assess cloud workloads and move them to the Cloudflare platform.


Target Valuation


Target Timeline

5 years

Who Does This Disrupt?

Incumbent cloud providers: Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure